These are the options for the weekly tutorial sessions for 2022-2023.
The weekly tutorial session is either on Friday, or on the following Monday. This live class takes place via Zoom and is an opportunity for your child to be taught by a professional JYMA tutor, to reflect upon the past week, and to get some questions answered.
The below start times are given in MT (Mountain Time), which is 2 hours behind ET, and 1 hour ahead of PT.
Each tutorial session is approximately 55-minutes long.
Grade 5 Tutorial Options (with Sean):
- Friday at 9:30am MT
- Friday at 12:45pm MT
Grade 6 Tutorial Options (with Maria):
- Friday at 8am MT
- Friday at 1pm MT
Grade 7 Tutorial Options (with Maria):
- Friday at 9am MT
- Friday at 2pm MT
Grade 8 Tutorial Options (with Sean):
- Friday at 10:30am MT
- Friday at 1:45pm MT
Grade 9 Tutorial Options (with Matthew):
- Friday at 10:30am MT
- Friday at 2pm MT
Grade 10 Tutorial Options (with Matthew):
- Friday at 9am MT
- Monday at 1pm MT
Grade 11 Tutorial Options (with Matthew):
- Friday at 12:30pm MT
- Monday at 11am MT
Grade 12 (with Jamie): Friday at 9:30am MT (only)